Newton Europe

Providing bespoke content and boosting channel growth for the consulting firm


Newton Europe were looking for ways to make consulting an attractive proposition to potential graduate hires.

We have worked with Newton Europe, a UK-based consultancy firm since 2020, both aiding in their social strategy as well as boosting their reach through influencer marketing. They were struggling to make content internally that engaged prospective graduates whilst communicating their employer values and the opportunities within the business. They are fuelled by a fundamental belief that even the best organisations can be better. 

In 2021, the aim of our campaign with them was to continue to produce content that resonates with diverse Gen Z and offer them creative content not only related to Newton but also advice and tips that both students and graduates are seeking. Furthermore, we wanted to continue building Newton’s employer brand on socials by driving page growth and growing a diverse student and graduate community online through socials. Lastly, they wanted to reach and engage with more ethnically diverse and female students.

THe Solution

With our expertise in Gen Z marketing, as well as our knowledge of the needs of the early careers market, we were able to craft a social strategy for Newton that was more value-driven. This was key for supporting both students and graduates not only during the recruitment season but throughout the year. This consistency was important in creating a community that was engaged with Newton, and that would keep coming back for content that added value to their lives.

We crafted a range of animations, motion graphics and carousels that brought the Newton application process to life, from the initial application process and the assessment centers and through to the final stage interviews. Alongside this Newton-specific content, we would provide value-driven pieces around advice that students and graduates could use, or soft skills that are helpful to develop, etc. This provided a secondary reason for them to continue returning to Newton’s Instagram. Alongside this, we employed an influencer marketing strategy to help spread Newton’s brand to existing engaged audiences, as well as spotlighting application opportunities. These content creators were handpicked according to Newton’s brief, specially chosen for the fields they were active in as well as their influence on students or graduates. 

The Impact

We helped them reach new demographics, including ethnically diverse and female students and graduates.

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Social Media Management AND Influencer Marketing that resonates with GenZ